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Before She Ignites

Mira Minkoba is the Hopebearer. Since the day she was born, she’s been told she’s special. Important. Perfect. She’s known across the Fallen Isles not just for her beauty, but for the Mira Treaty named after her, a peace agreement which united the seven islands against their enemies on the mainland.
But Mira has never felt as perfect as everyone says. She counts compulsively. She struggles with crippling anxiety. And she’s far too interested in dragons for a girl of her station.
Then Mira discovers an explosive secret that challenges everything she and the Treaty stand for. Betrayed by the very people she spent her life serving, Mira is sentenced to the Pit–the deadliest prison in the Fallen Isles. There, a cruel guard would do anything to discover the secret she would die to protect.
No longer beholden to those who betrayed her, Mira must learn to survive on her own and unearth the dark truths about the Fallen Isles–and herself–before her very world begins to collapse.
Jodi Meadows’s new Fallen Isles series blazes with endangered magic, slow-burn romance, and inner fire.



As She Ascends

Mira, the Hopebearer
Mira Minkoba is on the run with her friends after a fiery escape from the Pit, where she’d been imprisoned for defending the dragons she loves. And she wants answers. Where have all the dragons been taken? Why are powerful noorestones being shipped to the mainland? And did the treaty she’s been defending her whole life truly sell out the Fallen Isles to their enemies?
Mira, the Dragonhearted
As her connection to the dragons—and their power—grows stronger, so does Mira’s fear that she might lose control and hurt someone she loves. But the only way to find the truth is to go home again, to Damina, to face the people who betrayed her and the parents she’s not sure she can trust.
Home, where she must rise above her fears. Or be consumed.
The second page-turning novel in Jodi Meadows’ Fallen Isles trilogy scorches with mysterious magic and riveting romance as one girl kindles a spark into a flame.



When She Reigns

The First Dragon
The Great Abandonment has begun. Panic has seized the Fallen Isles, where no one knows which god will rise next. Mira Minkoba believes her dreams hold the secret to bringing an end to the destruction, but in order to save her people, she’ll have to find a legendary treasure: the bones of the first dragon.

The Last Hope
Mira’s desperate search leads the Hopebearer and her friends on a dangerous journey into the heart of enemy territory: the Algotti Empire itself. The empress is more than willing to help—for an impossible price. And as tensions escalate beneath the shadows of the risen gods, Mira grapples with a terrifying question: What will she have to sacrifice to preserve what she loves?

The explosive finale to Jodi Meadows’s Fallen Isles trilogy is ablaze with sizzling romance and fiery magic as Mira’s fight to save dragons from extinction evolves into a mission to save her world from annihilation.



Selected Praise for the Fallen Isles Trilogy

Do not walk, run to get this book, so you can devour it like I did! Mira is a fascinating and flawed heroine who tilts the world on its side. I loved her and this fiercely imagined world. Jodi Meadows is a genius.”

Mary Pearson, New York Times bestselling author of The Remnant Chronicles

A fully realized fantasy world complete with dragons, treachery, and flawed characters discovering their courage. I couldn’t put it down!”

C.J. Redwine, New York Times bestselling author of The Shadow Queen

Complex world-building and luminous storytelling. Mira will sear a mark on your heart long after the final page is consumed.”

Stacey Lee, award-winning author of Outrun the Moon

Kirkus Reviews

In this first of the Fallen Isles Trilogy, Meadows sows the seeds for an exciting follow-up and creates a rich, vivid world with characters who blossom on the page…. A page-turner that promises future intrigue, special powers, and dragon adventures.” 

Publishers Weekly

Meadows portrays acutely Mira’s insecurities about not living up to the demands of her station or to her mother’s expectations…while exploring issues of inclusivity and discrimination. Fans of Naomi Novik’s Temeraire series or Julie Kagawa’s Talon books will be delighted.” 

ALA Booklist

The complex political system is compellingly built, and Mira’s characterization is admirable. Hand to fans of rich world building—and, of course, fans of dragons.” 

School Library Journal

“…fast-paced, with surprising twists and turns. This richly written fantasy—the first in a trilogy—will keep readers asking whom to trust and wondering what’s true.” 

Geeks of Color

If you were looking for a new YA fantasy book to read with incredibly diverse characters, fantastical world-building, and a riveting plot, then Before She Ignites is the book for you. This book is what the future of the YA genre should be.” 

Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books

Meadows weaves a taut narrative of loss, betrayal, and friendship, building a politically and environmentally fascinating world that readers who are looking for fantasies that center on people of color will especially appreciate.”