Synopsis Socks


My instructions are for double-pointed needles, but if you know Magic Loop or socks with two circulars, you can modify for that.

100 grams of sock yarn
Size 1 DPNs
Tapestry needle

K – knit
P – purl
ssk – slip slip knit (slip two knitwise, knit both stitches through back loop)
k2tog – knit two stitches together
p2tog – purl two stitches together
sl – slip

Cast on 60 stitches, divide evenly, and join in round. (15 stitches on each needle)

(K2, P2) to end
Repeat for 1 or 1.5 inches.

Knit stockinette stitch until the leg is 6 inches or desired length.

Heel flap:
The heel flap will be worked across half (30) the stitches. You can work them on two needles, or slip all the stitches onto one if that’s easier.
(Sl 1, K1) to end
Sl 1, P to end
Repeat these two rows 14 more times. (I usually lose track of how many I’ve done, so I count the slipped stitches since they are big. When there are 15, I’m ready for the next step!)

Turn heel:
K16, ssk, k1
Sl 1, P3, p2tog, P1
Sl 1, K4, ssk, K1
Sl 1, P5, p2tog, P1
Sl 1, K6, ssk, K1
Sl 1, P7, p2tog, P1
Sl 1, K8, ssk, K1
Sl 1, P9, p2tog, P1

Continue in this manner until all heel stitches are worked. 16 stitches left. Knit across.

Pick up 16 stitches along side of heel flap and knit. (Extra stitch will keep a hole from forming by the instep.) Slip 8 stitches from the heel onto this needle. This is now N1
Knit next two needles in pattern. These are N2 and N3
Pick up 16 stitches along the heel flap and knit. K8 stitches from the heel. This is N4.

Needles should have the following number of stitches:
N1: 24
N2: 15
N3: 15
N1: 24

Decrease round: N1: K until there are three stitches left, k2tog, K; N2: K across; N3: K across; N4: K, ssk, K to end
Knit round.

Repeat these two rounds until there are 15 stitches on all needles.

K until 1.5 inches short of desired length.

Decrease round: N1: K until there are three stitches left, k2tog, K; N2: K, ssk, K across; N3: K until there are three stitches left, k2tog, k; N4: K, ssk, K to end
Knit round.

Repeat these two rounds until there are 7 stitches on each needle. Slip stitches from N2 onto N3; slip stitches from N1 onto N4.

Graft toe together using kitchener stitch.

Make second sock. (I like to knit two at once to avoid the dreaded Second Sock Syndrome.)